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International Center for Research & Development(ICRD), Sri Lanka

ICRD is one of the leading scientific conference organizers in Asia. ICRD works with many partners around the globe including leading universities and journal publishers. ICRD has expertise on managing and organizing world class Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Summits and Workshops around the globe by creating opportunities for the Scientists, Researchers, Academics and Professionals to enhance their careers through its international events. The significant component featured in ICRD  events are their dynamic, innovative and contemporary themes which cater to a lager spectrum.


Member Crossref since Sept.2020

ICRD DOI prefix: 10.47722

ICRD is a member of the Crossref  which is an official Digital Object Identifier Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. Crossref makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.

© The ICRD Sri Lanka 2018. All Rights Reserved.